Become a Covenant Partner

(Church Membership)

Here at First Presbyterian Church we call our church members “Covenant Partners." 

This means we promise (covenant) to serve together (partner) 

for the Good News of Jesus in our community. 

This three-week class is designed to explore what we believe based on foundational Christian theology and ECO's Essential Tenets, 

and discover our place in the family of God here at First Presbyterian Church in Waynesburg. Anyone is welcome to join this

three-week class to grow in understanding. 

At the end of the class, those who would like to join us as Covenant Partners will be given the opportunity.  

Please contact Pastor Jen to let her know if you are interested in participating in the next class or have questions.

The Benefits of Covenantal Partnership

Becoming a Covenant Partner is important not only to the congregation but even more importantly for the covenant partner, as they are positioned to receive encouragement, support, and correction that the Lord promises to those who share spiritual fellowship. In committing to the cause of a life lived in and through Jesus Christ, covenant partners grow in Christian community together to become more Christ-like. In Christian community, we realize the fullness of life together and life in Christ, and discover our unique place in a common mission and narrative of God’s work. The Covenant Partner and the congregation are both blessed and become a great blessing as they covenant together, intentionally, in Christ’s work.

(ECO Constitution 1.0304)